The Eternal Dilemma!
Band or DJ?
There's no getting past it, there is something special about live music! If you know that your event is going to be made up of a group of like minded individuals, and you've got the budget, then I'd recommend a live band every time! However, if like me, you're one of those people with an ecletic taste in music, or if your audience is made up of a variety of ages and different backgrounds, then there are some distinct drawbacks to the band option. Even if they're a covers band, there will be significant limitations on the range of music that they are likely to cover well. Modern technology does help a small group of guys make a lot of different sounds, but if all they're doing, to play what you want, is firing up the synth and midi doesn't that defeat the object? It's basically true that, whether you go for a band or a dj, you get what you pay for, but, a good band will be 2 or 3 times the cost of a good dj! So when you're making a choice, try and find a balance that reflects your tastes, takes account of your audience and makes the best use of your budget.
Of course there is no reason why you can't choose both; and get the best of both worlds! Typically the DJ at a wedding will provide suitable music to cover cocktails and dinner, as well as the party afterwards. The bride and groom will also need incidental music for the actual ceremony and, while a good dj will be competant to cover this, using a harpist, flautist or some form of chamber ensemble etc can help to make the occasion more memorable and add a touch of class.